Yo Quiero, Yo Puedo (YQYP)—also known as the Mexican Institute for Family and Population Research—is a nongovernmental organization based in Mexico. It has supported marginalized and vulnerable populations since 1986 and is guided by a mission to unlock social development through education, health, and civic engagement. To this end, the organization works to promote girls’ rights and gender equality, which includes combating early and child marriages, as well as reducing school dropout rates among indigenous girls.
Child marriages and early unions remain an ongoing issue in Mexico, particularly in rural areas of the country. In Metlatónoc, a municipality where YQYP implements programs, girls are likely to marry at a young age due to gender norms and factors such as poverty. As a result, girls are unable to meaningfully participate in their communities and are often expected to dedicate their lives caring for their homes and families. This expectation limits their opportunities and outcomes, preventing girls from pursuing their goals and ambitions. YQYP is committed to changing this reality and realizing a more equitable future for girls.
With support from The Girls Opportunity Alliance Fund, YQYP will implement a project focused on reducing child marriages and improving girls’ access to education. The organization will train teachers on topics such as girls’ rights, violence prevention, and sexual and reproductive health. In turn, teachers will share these learnings through play-based training sessions, reaching the most vulnerable girls. Additionally, the organization will conduct sensitization trainings, engaging parents and local community members on the importance of girls’ education, as well as the risks associated with early marriages and unions.
The organization expects to support 500 girls through this project. As an end goal, YQYP hopes to reduce the incidence of early marriages in Metlatónoc while promoting girls’ opportunities for advancement. It also seeks to change social norms, recognizing the importance of a culturally-sensitive approach that is tailored to the local context. To learn more about YQYP, please visit the organization’s website and social media pages:
See more projects: Latin America & the Caribbean, Child Marriage, Education